For a school project, my team and I were assigned the task of creating a game to assist elementary school students in learning to read. We conducted desk research, visited an elementary school, and eventually developed a concept.
I primarily focused on programming the game. We chose Typescript since it was being taught in parallel to the project. As seen in the pictures below, we incorporated minimal text, which makes sense as children starting to learn to read would be playing the game. Therefore, we decided to make everything as visual as possible. The plan within the concept was to gradually expand and add more text as children progressed through the game.
The name of the game already indicates its theme: children embark on an adventure and learn various letters, sounds, and eventually words along the way. We had different ideas about how to develop the game, but this concept resonated the most. The test group of children at the elementary school came up with the idea to introduce a mascot to accompany them on their adventure. They named him ‘Klankie’ (Phonic).